
Why Join Community Baptist Church?
Why Join Community Baptist Church?

We believe the church was God’s idea. It’s the body of Christ, bought by Christ, and made up of followers of Christ. This body isn’t something we just attend, it’s something we invest in, connect with, and devote our lives to. Becoming a member at Community is how we say “This is MY church!”

Requirements For Membership

In order to be a member at Community Baptist Church, the following three things are necessary


In order to be a member of the body of Christ, each person must be saved how the Bible teaches – by faith alone in the free gift of salvation made possible by Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.


After salvation, baptism identifies a Christian with Christ and is an outward sign of an inward decision. In order to be a member of Henry, each person must be baptized by immersion after salvation.

Starting Point Lunch

Choosing a church is a big decision! We want to make sure we’re the right fit for you. In order to be a member of Community, each person must attend our Starting Point lunch where we tell you about our values, and vision of the church.

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